Wednesday, March 19, 2008


DDragon's Mom: One of my kids came to school today with a note from his dad that said "We could not find the following word in the dictionary: Zing." I looked in one of our dictionaries and there were two definitions, the sound and the feeling. He also added "If you have anything to say in addressing this matter, please talk to me. Do not talk to him." The man is such an asshole. He has a daughter in the 4th grade that hasn't done any work since the 3rd.. so of course we have a hearing for it, and he was there, real smug and everything, and he went "Well, I send her to school so she can learn here. I don't have time to spend every night doing your job. Do you have kids, Mrs. Gonzalez?" And she said "No, I do not. My husband and I decided it would be best if we waited until we actually had time to raise our children before we had any."
DDragon: Zing!

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