Friday, February 29, 2008

Then I sleep-hit ctrl+p

DDragon: once I fell asleep with my hand on my keyboard.
DDragon: when I woke up I'd typed zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz for 218 pages
KuzeTheLion: lol

Thursday, February 28, 2008

tubes of series

spiralroze: fuck youtube is being a bitch today
Furisky: it may think you are in Pakistan
DDragon: in soviet Pakistan, internet tubes YOU!
lifeline: heh

Wednesday, February 27, 2008


DDragon: I'm bored and tired
DDragon: I think I'll go watch tv downstairs for a change of pace.
DDragon: damn my life is dull...
lifeline: hehe

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Smashy Smashy

Blubba_Pinecone: A "Wii would like to play" commercial?
Blubba_Pinecone: Brawl deserves more than that...
_2link121: yeah
DDragon: they need a remake of the classic one.
Blubba_Pinecone: xD
Blubba_Pinecone: Yeah
_2link121: lol

Monday, February 25, 2008

E or X

DDragon: you know... few things compare to drinking a big glass of ice water when you're absolutely dehydrated.
oymon: :-)
DDragon: it ranks right up there with peeing when you really REALLY have to go
DDragon: and sex
oymon: :P

Sunday, February 24, 2008

No cigar

Nexus: Are any of you a hot chick?
DDragon: I am
DDragon: oh, wait.. you said chick.
DDragon: and hot.
DDragon: and A
DDragon: I'm two unsexy guys.
DDragon: but that's close enough, right?
2link121: lol xD

Saturday, February 23, 2008

Stood up

DDragon: dangit..
DDragon: my Satellite signal is going out tonight.
zu dua: :(
DDragon: She was supposed to be dating me!
zu dua: hehe

Friday, February 22, 2008

Dance, kirby, dance

DDragon: it's fun to stay at the
DDragon: \( '.' )/ (^'.'^) (/ '.')_ (/'.'\)

Thursday, February 21, 2008


DDragon: I got back at my cat today for puking on my playstation a few months ago
pudge: o.o;; Don't tell me you forcefed a playstation to your cat..
DDragon: no. I was drinking a diet pepsi after eating a PBJ sandwich, and I had to burp..
DDragon: but the bubble brought up other stuff with it. And it fell on her head.
pudge: Ewww...
DDragon: I cleaned her off though. She almost ate my arm trying to carry her to the sink.
pudge: XD

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

a little joke

DDragon: "Midgets: The legal alternative to pedophilia"
oymon: :P

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

King of the...

FLuXKat: raped kuze
leotiger: hot
leotiger: deatils.
FLuXKat: mmmhmm
FLuXKat: he was able to bottom me for the first time yesterday :3
FLuXKat: oh and we saw lions
FLuXKat: and lion cubs
DDragon: uhh..
DDragon: tell us about the lions.
DDragon: for the love of GOD tell us about the lions.
leotiger: LOL
FLuXKat: they were all run run run runr pounce play run run run run run klunk
leotiger: yay!

Monday, February 18, 2008

Scraping the barrel

DDragon: My Dad is Better than Your Dad premieres tonight.
kitsunewarlock: I see...
DDragon: next week they're premiering "Takes One To Know One"
DDragon: and next month they have "I Know You Are, But What Am I?"
kitsunewarlock: lol

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Circular Logic

DDragon: I mean.. come on.. 4 and a half hours of cars driving in a CIRCLE
RedneckCoyote: DDragon there is skill
DDragon: yeah..
DDragon: mental fortitude and not falling asleep
DDragon: they need to spice Nascar up
DDragon: they need land mines.. and ballistic weapons

Saturday, February 16, 2008


DDragon: have you ever met someone who goes completely overboard with retorts?
Sora-kun[SVU]: I have.
DDragon: "Hey.. you really shouldn't mix paper and plastic in the recycle bin."
DDragon: "Yeah? well, at least my mom didn't kill herself."

Friday, February 15, 2008

Cutting it close

rapton_x: question, how familiar are you with Linux?
DDragon: about as familiar as I am with Swahili
rapton_x: LOL
DDragon: hmm.. I guess that'll have to do for today's joke..

Thursday, February 14, 2008


Fox_Fable: Sorry, I'm just talking with my mate and telling him Happy Valentines Day.
I sent my baby a valentine from
Fox_Fable: Hehe, hod that gp over DD?
DDragon: she hasn't been online in like a week
Fox_Fable: How'd*
Fox_Fable: Sorry, typing with one hand right now *Laugh*
..... please tell me you're holding something heavy in the other one


Wednesday, February 13, 2008

You don't want to hear the music

KesKitsunetaur: what's wrong with pregnancy?
DDragon: nothing wrong with it
DDragon: it's just, a pregnant chick showing off her pussy is like.. there's no bouncer at the club but there's no room left inside anyway
and the club is on fire.

and the hallway is clogged with mucous
Daeken: lol

Tuesday, February 12, 2008


DDragon: I'm gonna puke if I don't eat something
Daeken: DDragon: have you considered... eating something?
that would mean putting pants on.
I don't have pants on.
i understand that part
but why do you have to put on pants to get food?
because I'm not wearing a shirt.
* Daeken blinks

ok :P
I figure I should be wearing at least one of those things when I go to the kitchen.

Monday, February 11, 2008

Bridge facer

I was in a chat room and the conversation turned to people killing themselves by jumping off of bridges.

Daeken: i wonder what it'd be like for those few seconds before you died
KesVeegirl: Daeken: I imagine a lot of people getting second thoughts
clinton: well, it takes eight seconds for a watermelon to fall.
DDragon: a human body would probably take about 8 and a half.

DDragon: I bet they go "I hope the water isn't too cold"

DDragon: "Did I shut off the ov-"

DDragon: splat

* HakuPanther chuckles